On Tuesday, November 27, representatives of SKYGEN International Foundation, presented a program to WPRC entitled, “Providing Vision to Change Futures” (Tanzania, Africa). Reps included Lisa Sweeney, Executive Director; Emanuel Kitoi, Project Coordinator; & Brett Bennett, Director of Vision.
SKYGEN International Foundation, Inc. brings the power of SKYGEN USA’s innovations in technology and digital capabilities to bear on a global issue, which is an overall lack of access to healthcare. Their vision is to find cost effective ways to improve healthcare in underserved parts of the world by using emerging technologies. The Foundation works to deliver life-changing healthcare benefits to those without them due to cost and/or lack of access to care and technology. Their current initiative is to help provide prescription eyeglasses to the people of Tanzania. Worldwide, it’s estimated that there are approximately 2.5 billion people who need glasses, but in developing countries like Tanzania, there’s a critical shortage of eye doctors. With eyeglasses and the ability to see clearly, the lives of adults and children can be transformed.