WPRC’s satellite club in Muskego is off and running. Spearheaded by Dr. Kelly Thompson, Superintendent of the Muskego Norway School District, the satellite club meets periodically at the Muskego Circle, a community center hosted by Lakepoint Church. Location is S63W13694 W. Janesville Road. The minimum number 0f members to establish a satellite club has been met with ten member applications being submitted together with the official satellite club application. Within several weeks the "Rotary Satellite Club of Whitnall Park Muskego After Hours" will be "official." Members of the new club have been invited to join the sponsor club, Whitnall Park Rotary, at the annual Holiday Party on December 4. Contact Dr. Thompson (kelly.thompson@muskegonorway.org) to express your interest and to receive information on dates, times, & locations of meetings.