Today at our weekly meeting, 13 Rotary Members put together 32 care packets to be provided to Pathfinders' Street Beat program to provide needed supplies to homeless youth in Milwaukee.
Each packet uses a reusable drawstring bag and includes a bottle of water, a bottle of gatorade, a bottle of mouthwash, a stick of deodorant, packet of sunscreen, lip balm, body wash wipe packet, a pick comb, 3 snack packs of cookies and/or Cheez Its, a $5 McDonalds card, a $5 Burger King card and a United Airlines FIrst Class travel bag that includes a toothbrush, toothpaste, lotion, kleenex, etc. 
This was a great project to help our youth and let them know that there are people that care about them.  Thank you to all who participated!