The Rotary Satellite Club of WPRC Muskego After Hours met on Thursday, December 13, and continues to plan its future and eventual chartering as a full Rotary club. Following are their plans for the early months of 2019.
- We committed to partnering with the New Berlin Rotary Club for their Murder Mystery dinner on Saturday, Feb 23, 2019. If you are interested in playing a role, please contact Dr. Kelly Thompson (kelly.thompson@muskegonorway.org), President of the WPRC satellite club, or contact the New Berlin club representative directly (dianne@SendusAway.com).
- We will further explore a partnership with Muskego Parks and Recreatopm department to support building a walking bridge near Lake Denoon. Connections are being made with the department to provide us with more details. If this is manageable for our club, we will look to raise funds (potentially through a Frisbee golf competition or run/walk event).
- We will not be meeting in person on December 27. Rather, each member is asked to provide input and feedback on new or already discussed service projects via the Google Docs link provided to satellite club members.
The new satellite club is an after-hours club that meets on the 2nd & 4th Thursdays of each month at the Muskego Circle, a community center hosted by Lakepoint Church. Location is S63W13694 W. Janesville Road.