February Students of the Month

Last night, the Whitnall Park Rotary Club had the pleasure of our Rotary Students of the Month telling us about all the great activities they are involved in and their plans for the future.  Ashley and Callie are both Seniors at Whitnall High School and just amazing students!!!  We are excited to see all the great things they accomplish in the future.
February Students of the Month Rob Petri 2025-02-05 06:00:00Z 0

Educational Grants - Round 2

We are happy to announce the 2nd round of the Whitnall Park Rotary Club Educational Grants for the 2024-2025 school year.  The grants provided in this round include the following:
  • St. Alphonsus (Greendale) – $250 to be used for 3rd–8th Grade field trip to Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra
  • St. Alphonsus (Greendale ) - $250 to be used for 4th Grade field trip to Madison to visit the Capitol and museum
  • St. Alphonsus (Greendale) - $250 to be used for books that will be utilized by the 6th–8th Grade classes
  • St. Mary’s (Hales Corners) - $250 to be used for 2nd Grade STEM Bins
We are so happy to support the great work of these educators and the important role they play in the development of our youth!! 
Educational Grants - Round 2 Rob Petri 2025-01-12 06:00:00Z 0 Education Grants,Whitnall Park Rotary

Educational Grants

Each calendar year, the Whitnall Park Rotary Club provides four rounds of Educational Grants to area schools to assist teachers with the important work they do for our youth.  For the first round of the 2024-2025 school year, we granted $2,000 in total to the following projects:
  • Greendale High School – $250 toward robotics competition hand tools
  •  St. Alphonsus Greendale – $250 toward a laminator to be used for the kindergarten class
  •  St. Alphonsus Greendale – $250 for Pixel Prints/Legos to incorporate science and math into artmaking
  • St. Alphonsus Greendale – $250 toward taking part in The Great History Challenge
  • St. Mary’s Hales Corners – $250 toward a chicken egg hatching project for the 4K science curriculum in one classroom
  • St. Mary’s Hales Corners – $250 toward a chicken egg hatching project for the 4K science curriculum in another classroom
  •  Edgerton Elementary (Whitnall School District) – $250 toward MathFactLab subscription
  • Whitnall High School – $250 toward calculators in the classroom
We want to thank the dedicated educators at these schools and are happy to help with the funding of these great projects.
Educational Grants 2024-12-18 06:00:00Z 0 Education Grants,Whitnall Park Rotary

Salvation Army Red Kettle

Whitnall Park Rotary Club had the privilege of assisting the Salvation Army this past week by ringing the bell by the red kettle at Metro Market in Greenfield.  The Salvation Army annually holds its Red Kettle Campaign to raise funds to provide food, shelter and hope to those in need during the holiday season and beyond!  Please do your part to help the Salvation Army's annual campaign for this important work!!
Salvation Army Red Kettle Rob Petri 2024-12-14 06:00:00Z 0 Red Kettles,Salvation Army,Whitnall Park Rotary

Healing Hearts Christmas Party

Whitnall Park Rotary Club held its annual Christmas party for the families being supported by Healing Hearts of Southeast Wisconsin!!!  Healing Hearts of Southeast Wisconsin is a non-profit, community-based organization whose mission is to serve and support grieving children and their families.
Our club was able to provide 67 gifts for the event which has Santa visit each group at their counseling session to provide them a gift.  The looks on the children, and the adults, faces says how important this event is and how much of a difference it makes in the lives of these families!! 
It is a great blessing to do a little something to help these families and its an even greater blessing what Healing Hearts of Southeast Wisconsin does for them!!

Healing Hearts Christmas Party 2024-12-02 06:00:00Z 0 Healing Hearts of Southeast Wisconsin,People of Action,Whitnall Park Rotary

Students of the Month - November 2024

This past week, the Whitnall Park Rotary Club had the pleasure of our Rotary Students of the Month telling us about all the great activities they are involved in and their plans for the future.  Ella R and Chelsea M are both Seniors at Whitnall High School and just amazing students!!!  We are excited to see all the great things they accomplish in the future.
Students of the Month - November 2024 Rob Petri 2024-11-27 06:00:00Z 0 Whitnall School District

Jim Helminski Paver Dedication

In November, the Whitnall Park Rotary Club remembered our friend and a great Rotarian, Jim Helminski.  Jim’s family was able to join us at the Rotary Circle located at the Boerner Botanical Gardens to dedicate the paver our Club purchased in memory of Jim.  Jim was one of the instrumental Rotarians that back in 2014, began the project of building the Rotary Circle pathway at the Gardens.
During Jim’s time with the Whitnall Park Rotary Club, besides the numerous community service projects he worked on, he was President of the club twice, President of the Club’s Foundation, and a Paul Harris Fellow recipient 3 times.  Jim was famous for portraying the important role of Santa each year at the Whitnall Park Rotary Craft Fair as well as driving the convertible in the 4th of July parades.
Jim was a blessing to all he met, and we were all better for knowing him!!!
Jim Helminski Paver Dedication Rob Petri 2024-11-09 06:00:00Z 0

Lunch Bags for the Homeless

On Saturday November 2, Whitnall Park Rotary Club along with assistance from some Greendale National Honor Society students made and packed 250 lunch bags to provide to The Gathering.  The Gathering then distributed these lunches to the homeless.  We truly enjoyed being able to provide assistance to the important work that The Gathering does in our community to serve those in need!
Lunch Bags for the Homeless 2024-11-02 05:00:00Z 0

Volunteer at Feeding America

Whitnall Park Rotary Club assisted at Feeding America last week by volunteering to sort and pack food donations for those in need.  Feeding America does great work in our community!!!
Volunteer at Feeding America Rob Petri 2024-10-24 05:00:00Z 0

International Literacy Day

September 8th marked International Literacy Day, highlighting the crucial role of literacy in fostering equity and sustainable development. Rotary members globally have been at the forefront of literacy initiatives, establishing libraries, donating books, and backing educational programs. Rotary dedication to literacy empowers individuals and communities, helping to break the cycle of poverty and drive progress. 
This year, the Whitnall Park Rotary Club is working with the Greendale School District to fund $3,500 toward a Literacy Project to support students at College Park Elementary School.  The project is being funded with the assistance of a Rotary District 6270 grant for $3,000, as well as funds from our club.
Let's honor the persistent efforts of Rotarians and renew our commitment to education for all. Together, we can create lasting change!
International Literacy Day 2024-09-21 05:00:00Z 0

Literacy grant 2024-2025

Rotary District 6270 awarded the Whitnall Park Rotary Club a $3000 grant to improve literacy in a Greendale school.  The funds will purchase a series of books to enhance and enrich the reading learning process.  In addition, Rotarians will make regular visits to the classroom to read to the students and to listen to the students read from the purchased books.
Literacy grant 2024-2025 2024-07-22 05:00:00Z 0

Paul Harris winners

Whitnall Park Rotary Club had our annual Changing of the Guard event on July 10th.  It's our annual event where we thank the outgoing officers and board and welcome in the new year's officers and board. For this coming year, the 2023-2024 president Dan Weber and the 2022-2023 president Rob Petri will act as Co-Presidents.
At this event, we also recognize Paul Harris Fellows for the year.  The Paul Harris Fellow recognition acknowledges individuals who contribute, or who have contributions made in their name, of $1,000 to the Rotary Foundation.  This year's recipients included Jim Thorsen, Dan Christianson, Rob Petri and Kevin Drury.
The event is a great way to celebrate all that was accomplished during the past year and begin looking forward to the new Rotary year!
Paul Harris winners Rob Petri 2024-07-10 05:00:00Z 0

2024 Scholarship Recipients

Whitnall Club Rotary Club held our annual scholarship awards banquet May 15th for some extremely deserving high school seniors. Whitnall Park Rotary Club provided five $2,000 scholarships this year.  Pictured are Anna Berquist (Whitnall High School), Joelle Smith (Greenfield High School) and Miranda Cavett (Greenfield High School).  Our other scholarship recipients that were not able to attend are Virginia Brooks (Martin Luther High School) and Genevieve Skibicki (Greendale High School).  The accomplishments of these students already in this early part of their lives is amazing and they are great examples of a positive future!!  We are so happy to be able to support these students as they move on to college!!
2024 Scholarship Recipients Rob Petri 2024-05-15 05:00:00Z 0

WPRC makes lunches for the Gathering

Whitnall Park Rotarians gathered to make 100 bag lunches for the Gathering.  Four stations made peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.  Two stations packed the lunch bags with a sandwich, a piece of fruit, chips and a sweet treat.  Bpttles of water were also provided.
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WPRC makes lunches for the Gathering Dan Weber 2024-01-27 06:00:00Z 0

Scholarships available

                                                                                                                                           WHITNALL PARK ROTARY CLUB
FRIDAY, MARCH 22, 2024
Scholarships available Rob Petri 2024-01-21 06:00:00Z 0

Building in 2024

January 10, Whitnall Park Rotary Club was fortunate to have a presentation from Tom Hermann, Youth Apprenticeship Coordinator for the Southwest Milwaukee Consortium, and Dane and Tommy, two Whitnall High School students.  Tom and the students were presenting possible building project ideas for providing learning opportunities to students in the areas of the trades.  Whitnall Park Rotary is committed to providing assistance to students to enhance their knowledge of the trades.  Our Club has committed $1,000 to fund a project this Spring Semester.  

Dane and Tommy outlined for the Club two projects they'd like us to consider (one project will be selected for construction in 2024), the learning opportunities for the students from the projects and the benefits to the community that will be obtained after the project is completed.  Whichever project is decided upon, it will be a joint effort between the Whitnall High School Tech Education and Science Departments and is expected to involve over 40 students in the Whitnall High School Building and Trades class, as well as other Whitnall students that are members of Skills USA
Whitnall Park Rotary Club is extremely excited to be part of this great project which reinforces the high need to expand students entering the trades after high school.
Whitnall Park Rotary Club is extremely excited to be part of this great project which reinforces the high need to expand students entering the trades after high school.
Building in 2024 Rob Petri 2024-01-14 06:00:00Z 0

Education Grants - 2023-2024 Round 1

Posted by Rob Petri
Whitnall Park Rotary Club provides Education Grants to area schools four times a year to assist our educators with the important work they provide to our community!  For the first round of our 2023-2024 Education Grants, we were so impressed with the submissions that we decided to issue 4 grants.  We were thrilled to provide assistance to educators at Whitnall High School, St. Mary's School and St. Alphonsus School.  It is so inspiring to see the great effort these educators put in daily to assist their students!
Education Grants - 2023-2024 Round 1 Rob Petri 2023-12-31 06:00:00Z 0 Education Grants,Whitnall Park Rotary

Charity auction

December 13, Whitnall Park Rotary Club held its annual Christmas Party.  And as we always do, our  members donate wrapped gifts which are then part of a Charity Auction held that evening.

All the funds raised from the auction this year will be split between Kathy’s House and Milwaukee Homeless Veterans Initiative.   Both organizations are great examples of the community helping others!

·         Kathy’s House is a hospital guest house committed to providing affordable lodging and caring support in a “home away from home” environment for families who need to travel to Milwaukee for medical care.

·         The Milwaukee Homeless Veteran Initiative provides services that homeless and at-risk veterans need to reach and maintain their highest level of independence.

We were able to raise $941 for these great organizations.  We hope others in our community consider a donation to these great organizations this holiday season!!!

Charity auction Rob Petri 2023-12-24 06:00:00Z 0

Healing Hearts Christmas Party

On December 11, the Whitnall Park Rotary Club had the pleasure of assisting Santa in giving over 70 Christmas gifts to the families being assisted by Healing Hearts of Southeast Wisconsin. This is the 2nd year our Rotary Club has been able to partner with Healing Hearts to make the holiday season a little brighter for the families they assist.  Healing Hearts provides free peer group support for children, youth and families who grieve loss due to death, divorce, addiction, incarceration, deportation and military deployment.  We are not showing the smiling faces of the recipients to respect their privacy, but words cannot describe how rewarding this evening is for all that take part!!
Healing Hearts Christmas Party Rob Petri 2023-12-11 06:00:00Z 0 Healing Hearts,Whitnall Park Rotary

Operation Warm - Providing Winter Wear to Whitnall School District

For the 3rd year in a row, the Whitnall Park Rotary Club has used a District 6270 grant to provide winter wear to area students in need of some warm clothes for the winter.  This year, the Whitnall School District was selected to be the recipient of the winter clothes. The clothing consisted of winter coats, snow pants, boots, hats and gloves/mittens.  The items were presented to each of the Whitnall schools where they will then be distributed to the students in need by the school staff.  
Operation Warm - Providing Winter Wear to Whitnall School District Rob Petri 2023-11-15 06:00:00Z 0 Operation Warm,Whitnall Park Rotary,Whitnall School District

Holz gift

Whitnall Park Rotary Club was blessed today to have received a donation from Holz Motors for over $1,200!  Annually Holz Motors holds a 50/50 raffle at their golf outing and they selected Whitnall Park Rotary Club to be the recipient of the funds this year.  Our Rotary Club is able to use these funds toward our School Education Grants and College Scholarships.  Holz Motors is such a great asset to our comunity and we feel honored to be the recipient of these funds!
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Holz gift 2023-11-01 05:00:00Z 0

Global Grant Scholarship 2024-2025

The amount of the scholarship is $30,000 and must be used for graduate school studies outside the United States. NOTE: Applicant cannot be a Rotarian nor be related to a Rotarian.                                                                                                                                  To be eligible, applicant must be a resident in the geographical area of District 6270, or be a student at a college/university in the geographical area of District 6270, or have strong ties to Southeast Wisconsin. Experience (professional or volunteer) in the field of study is required.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    All fellowship/scholarship/stipend funding opportunities must relate to one of Rotary’s Seven Areas of Focus (Disease prevention & treatment; Water, sanitation, & hygiene; Maternal & child health; Basic education & literacy; Community economic development; Environment; Peacebuilding & conflict prevention)
Deadlines are:
   September 1, 2023 – Application form available (online)
   January 15, 2024 – Completed application submission deadline (submit via email only)
   February 10, 2024 - In-person or Zoom interviews scheduled. An in-person interview is preferred.
   February 19, 2024 – Successful scholar notified (for matriculation in 2024-2025 academic year.)
Access the “Scholarships” page on the RI D-6270 website (www.rotary6270.org) for detailed information, the application form, and other supporting documents.                                                                                                                                                       Address any inquiries to Larry Myers, Chair of the D-6270 Scholarships Subcommittee (scholarshipchair@rotary6270.org OR lwmyers2@att.net).
Global Grant Scholarship 2024-2025 2023-09-22 05:00:00Z 0
Assisting Feeding America 2023-08-30 05:00:00Z 0 Feeding America,Whitnall Park Rotary

Meals for Ukraine

On Saturday, April 22, 2023, Whitnall Park Rotary Club was excited to help at the Muskego Feeds event sponsored by LakePoint Church.  The event's goal was to pack nutritious, balanced meals of dried ingredients to be sent to Ukraine.  All they will need to do is add water and heat.  In the first hour of the event, over 30,000 meals were packed; over 100,000 meals by the end of the work sessions.!!   Such a spectacular event and we want to thank LakePoint Church and the event's sponsors for organizing this great community event!!
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Meals for Ukraine 2023-06-26 05:00:00Z 0

Congratulations scholarship winners

On May 17, 2023, Whitnall Park Rotary recognized the achievements of  7 graduating seniors who won this year's scholarships to 4 year institutions and to technical school.  Congratulations to Alejandro, Benjamin, Caroline, Charles, Elise, and Maja.
Congratulations scholarship winners Rob Petri 2023-06-26 05:00:00Z 0

Congratulations to 2023-2024 club leaders

The results of the January 4 election:
President:  Daniel Weber
President elect: Kristin Murphy
Treasurer: Robert Nolan
Secretary: Terri Delke
Past President Robert Petri
Club Service: Scott Schenke
Community Service: Judith Weiss
International Service: Daniel Christianson
Vocational Service: Robert Petri
Youth Service: Lisa Olson
Congratulations to 2023-2024 club leaders 2023-01-23 06:00:00Z 0

Rotary shares Christmas

Dec. 19, 2022  Whitnall Park Rotary Club enjoyed partnering with Healing Hearts of Southeastern Wisconsin to provide a Christmas Party for the families Healing Hearts serves. We provided more than 100 wrapped gifts for the families.  Santa even made an appearance! What a wonderful way to kickstart the holidays!
WPRC was represented by President Rob Petri, Michael Breitbach, Santa Jim Helminski, Scott Schenke, Dan Christianson
Rotary shares Christmas Rob Petri 2022-12-19 06:00:00Z 0

Rotary Christmas celebration

December 14, 2022, the Whitnall Park Rotary celebrated Christmas with an auction of beautifully wrapped presents.  The $830 proceeds will be given to charities.  $415 will be sent Variety -- the children's charity of Wisconsin, an organization which enriches the lives of children with physical or developmental needs.  $415 will be sent to an organization benefiting homeless veterans.  Variety of Wisconsin
Rotary Christmas celebration 2022-12-18 06:00:00Z 0

Project Warmth Greendale

Whitnall Park Rotary Club won a $3000 District 6270 grant to provide winter coats for needy Greendale School District students.  We'll be working with the School District to identify the students and to distribute the appropriately sized coats to the students.  This grant follows last year's successful Operation Warmth for Greenfield School District students.

Project Warmth Greendale 2022-07-10 05:00:00Z 0

July 4, 2022

WHITNALL Park Rotary Club took in the Greendale 4th of July parade to celebrate our country’s independence and also to recognize two of our 2022 scholarship winners - Lema from Greendale High School and Taylor from Martin Luther High School.  Lema and Taylor definitely represent great things ahead for our country!!
July 4, 2022 2022-07-04 05:00:00Z 0

Paul Harris Awards 2022

Paul Harris Award is the highest award in Rotary. It is given to a Rotarian or a member of the community that has made an outstanding contribution to the community.  Whitnall Park Rotary Club's 2022 honorees are Kristin Murphy, Michael Breitbach, and Scott Schenke.
Paul Harris Awards 2022 petri.rjma@gmail.com 2022-07-03 05:00:00Z 0

Scholarships 2022

Whitnall Park Rotary Club had the pleasure of honoring our 2022 High School Senior Scholarship winners.  These youth are great examples of all that is good in the world!!

·Academic scholarships  

          $2,000 Greendale High School recipient – Lema

·         $2,000 Greenfield High School recipient – Mai

·         $2,000 Martin Luther High School recipient – Taylor

·         $2,000 Muskego High School recipient – Austin

·         $2,000 Whitnall High School recipient – Skyler

Technical / Trades Scholarships and Grants

·         $1,000 Technical College scholarship   Whitnall High School recipient – Gavin

           $1000  Tools, Safety Equipment grant    Greenfield High School recipient  -- Rafael


We are honored to be able to assist in covering a portion of their first year college expenses and are excited to see the great things these student achieve!!

Scholarships 2022 Rob Petri 2022-06-08 05:00:00Z 0

Rydlewicz joins WPRC

Whitnall Park Rotary Club is excited to have inducted our newest member, James Rydlewicz, at our meeting May 18.  We look forward to Jim's participating in our club and working with us in our community!
Rydlewicz joins WPRC Rob Petri 2022-05-25 05:00:00Z 0

Honor flight 

Jim Helminski was honored for his military service by being included on Saturday's Honor Flight.  Photos capture Whitnall Park Rotary Club members welcoming Jim back to Mitchell Airport.
Honor flight Rob Petri 2022-05-23 05:00:00Z 0

Students April-May 2022

We were blessed to have our Students of the Month present to the Whitnall Park Rotary Club today.  We had a student from Greenfield High School and a student from Martin Luther High School.  Always amazing to hear the great work these students are involved in and their plans for after high school!!
Students April-May 2022 Rob Petri 2022-05-18 05:00:00Z 0

Bench Restoration at Boerner Botanical Gardens

WHITNALL Park Rotary Club volunteered at Boerner Botanical Gardens Saturday, May 7, to help restore the wood benches in the Gardens and along the Rotary Pathway. We were able to stain 36 wood benches and get them ready for the summer season!
Bench Restoration at Boerner Botanical Gardens Rob Petri 2022-05-08 05:00:00Z 0

Thank you April craft fair

Whitnall Park Rotary would like to thank everyone that was able to join us for the Spring Craft Fair that was held at Whitnall High School.  We had over 160 crafters onsite and over 1,000 visitors!  And as you can see, we had a great sighting of the Easter Bunny!!
Whitnall Park Rotary uses the funds raised at the Craft Fairs to fund various community service activities with the majority going to fund the five  $2,000 high school scholarships given to seniors at Greendale, Greenfield, Martin Luther, Muskego and Whitnall High Schools each year.  
Thank you and we hope to see you all at the Christmas Craft Fair being held December 3rd at Whitnall High School!
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Thank you April craft fair 2022-05-08 05:00:00Z 0

February - March students of the month

Today we had our February - March Students of the Month share information about themselves and their goals with the Rotary Club.   Samantha and Matthew from Whitnall High School and Sophie and Jayden from Martin Luther High School have attended four morning Club meetings to learn about our organization.
February - March students of the month 2022-03-09 06:00:00Z 0

Scholarship application available

Application at whitnallparkrotary.org   
Scholarship application available John Movroydis 2022-02-14 06:00:00Z 0

Rotarians share Christmas 

In December members of the Whitnall Park Rotary Club gathered 42 gifts for the women and children staying at the                                                                                                                                                                                       Sojourner Truth House shelter.
Rotarians share Christmas 2022-01-29 06:00:00Z 0
Students of the Month 2022-01-24 06:00:00Z 0

$1404 raised for Salvation Army

Whitnall Park Rotary Club members rang the bell December 11 and December 18 at Metro Market in Greenfield.  Total collected was $1404.07 to support the work of the Salvation Army.
$1404 raised for Salvation Army mur 2022-01-15 06:00:00Z 0

209 Greenfield students receive winter coats

Whitnall Park Rotary Club, through a $3000 grant from Rotary District 6270, provided 209 warm winter coats for the students of 102 families of the Greenfield School District.  In addition to providing the funds, the Rotarians bagged the appropriate size coats for each family.  A few days later, the Rotarians were on hand to work with the Greenfield Fire Department members to give the coat packages to the parents on November 18
209 Greenfield students receive winter coats 2022-01-15 06:00:00Z 0

Water & Sanitation in Tepeaque, El Salvador

The Rotary International Global Grant that Whitnall Park Rotary Club has been involved with in Tepeaqua, El Salvador has had 3 phases. The estimated total cost of the project is $280,000.

Phase 1 ---  a water well was drilled.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Phase 2 ---  the necessary piping and equipment to supply 150 households with water including trenching to bury the pipes.                                                                                                          Phase 3 ---  piping, equipment and trenching for the rest of the community.  Building 260 latrines.  Some management projects.

We have partnered with the Rotary Club of South Salvador and with Atonement Lutheran Church of Muskego. The project has been very challenging due to a number of reasons including language, politics, and supply chain .

As of this date, the final Global Grant has been fully funded and has been sent to Rotary International for approval. Once RI approves the final application, the funds will be forwarded to RI and then sent on to El Salvador.  It is hoped the medical and political situations will allow area funders to travel to El Salvador to participate in the project's completion.

Water & Sanitation in Tepeaque, El Salvador Daniel Christianson 2022-01-15 06:00:00Z 0

Spring Craft Fair

Whitnall Park Rotary Club is accepting applications for the April 2, 2022 fair.
The application on the club website whitnallparkrotary.org is at https://clubrunner.blob.core.windows.net/00000007760/en-ca/files/sitepage/craft-fairs/application-form/Application-form-general.pdf
Mail the completed application and check to WPRC Craft Fair, P.O. Box 62, Hales Corners WI 53130
Spring Craft Fair 2022-01-13 06:00:00Z 0

2022-2023 Officers and Directors elected

President   ---  Robert Petri 
Vice President/ President elect  --- Daniel Weber
Past President   --- James Helminsk
Treasurer   --- Robert Nolan
Secretary   --- Terri Delke 
Club Service Director   ---   Brandt Komas
Community Service Director   --- Kristin Murphy
International Service Director   --- Daniel Christianson
Vocational Service Director   --- Thomas Weiss
Youth Service Director   --- John Movroydis
A warm congratulations and the best of luck as you plan for the next Rotary year.
2022-2023 Officers and Directors elected 2022-01-13 06:00:00Z 0
Whitnall Park Rotary Club toured the new Hunger Task Force building 2021-09-29 05:00:00Z 0
Whitnall Park Rotary project to support homeless youth in Milwaukee 2021-06-02 05:00:00Z 0

Academic scholarship application available

Seniors at Greendale, Greenfield, Martin Luther, Muskego-Norway and Whitnall High schools are invited to apply for a $2000 college scholarship
Whitnall Park Rotary Club will be awarding $2,000 scholarships this year to assist those attending a two- or a four-year college. There will be one winner from each of the five high schools in our service area [Greendale, Greenfield, Martin Luther, Muskego-Norway. and Whitnall].
Each applicant will be judged on six criteria: academic, extracurricular activity, employment/volunteer service, career goals, essay, and financial need.  Those interested in applying should contact the guidance counseling office at her/his high school. The deadline for receipt of applications is March 26, 2021.
Deadline:  noon on March 26, 2021
Application requirements:                                                          
  1. Application form and essay                                               
  2. Two letters of recommendation                                            
  3. Official high school transcript      

Please use the fillable Word Doc located in the left menu of the SCHOLARSHIPS FOR SENIORS  page on the whitnallparkrotry.org webpage.  

Handwritten applications are not accepted.

Academic scholarship application available 2021-02-14 06:00:00Z 0
WPRC Members Wrapped Christmas Presents at Sojourner Peace Center 2020-12-21 06:00:00Z 0

2021 - 2022 Officers & Directors Elected

President   ---   James Helminski
Vice President/ President elect  --- Robert Petri
Past President   --- James Thorsen
Treasurer   --- Robert Nolan
Secretary   --- Terri Delke 
Club Service Director   ---   Daniel Weber
Community Service Director   --- Kristin Murphy
International Service Director   --- Alex Yanez
Vocational Service Director   --- Thomas Weiss
Youth Service Director   --- John Movroydis
A warm congratulations and the best of luck as you plan for the next Rotary year.
2021 - 2022 Officers & Directors Elected 2020-12-09 06:00:00Z 0
Congratulations to the WPR Paul Harris Award Winners for 2019-‘20 2020-08-04 05:00:00Z 0
Changing of the Guard Event 2020-08-04 05:00:00Z 0

Paul Harris Award winners

Three members of Whitnall Park Rotary Club received the Paul Harris Award for their service to the club.
Lisa Olson, outgoing Director of Youth Service, who initiated the Students of the Month program,
Judy Weiss, Sunshine chairperson and Craft Fair coordinating committee,
Tom Weiss, Director of Vocational Service, who created the scholarships for technical/ trade school students.
Paul Harris Award winners 2020-07-13 05:00:00Z 0

Shields & Masks for Milwaukee County Emergency Operations

Whitnall Park Rotary Club spent $1000 to purchase 100 face shields and 500 face masks for the Milwaukee County Emergency Operations Center.  The items were delivered to Rotarian Mason Pooler, West Allis Fire Chief and head of the Milwaukee County Emergency Operations Center.  
Shields & Masks for Milwaukee County Emergency Operations 2020-04-15 05:00:00Z 0
Community Forum on Human Trafficking at Whitnall H.S., Feb. 25th 2020-02-11 06:00:00Z 0 community forum,greenfield,human trafficking,whitnall high school
WPRC Members Packed Boxes for The Hunger Task Force StockBox 2019-11-13 06:00:00Z 0

Julie Rome Spoke About The Moving Wall Commemorating the Vietnam War Memorial

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Julie Rome - The President of Dan Jansen Family Fest spoke to the Club about The Moving Wall commemorating the Vietnam War Memorial. She informed us of the work that went into getting The Moving Wall to Greenfield. She also told us stories of the veterans who came to share in The Wall. The stories she told and the tributes she shared were a beautiful testament to the men and women who died in the war as well as the survival and pains of those who survived and came home.
Julie Rome Spoke About The Moving Wall Commemorating the Vietnam War Memorial  2019-11-03 05:00:00Z 0
Rotary District Governor Visit 2019-09-22 05:00:00Z 0
Greenfield Mayor Michael Neitzke Speaks to Our Club. 2019-07-09 05:00:00Z 0

WPRC Assists with Service Project in Korea

Posted on Dec 19, 2018
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WPRC 2018-2019 President Larry Myers assisted the Rotary Club of Seoul with a Christmas service project on Wednesday, December 19. More than 50 clients of the Kyonam Welfare Center (for developmentally disabled adults) enjoyed a gala that included a sumptuous Korean buffet, cake decorating, balloon making, and karaoke singing & dancing. Myers returns to Wisconsin on January 1 after a three-month church deployment to the Republic of Korea.
WPRC Assists with Service Project in Korea 2018-12-19 06:00:00Z 0

WPRC Satellite Club Makes Plans

Posted on Dec 14, 2018
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The Rotary Satellite Club of WPRC Muskego After Hours met on Thursday, December 13, and continues to plan its future and eventual chartering as a full Rotary club. Following are their plans for the early months of 2019.
  • We committed to partnering with the New Berlin Rotary Club for their Murder Mystery dinner on Saturday, Feb 23, 2019. If you are interested in playing a role, please contact Dr. Kelly Thompson (kelly.thompson@muskegonorway.org), President of the WPRC satellite club, or contact the New Berlin club representative directly (dianne@SendusAway.com).
  • We will further explore a partnership with Muskego Parks and Recreatopm department to support building a walking bridge near Lake Denoon. Connections are being made with the department to provide us with more details. If this is manageable for our club, we will look to raise funds (potentially through a Frisbee golf competition or run/walk event).
  • We will not be meeting in person on December 27. Rather, each member is asked to provide input and feedback on new or already discussed service projects via the Google Docs link provided to satellite club members.
The new satellite club is an after-hours club that meets on the 2nd & 4th Thursdays of each month at the Muskego Circle, a community center hosted by Lakepoint Church. Location is S63W13694 W. Janesville Road.
WPRC Satellite Club Makes Plans 2018-12-14 06:00:00Z 0

WPRC President Honored by Sae HanYang Rotary Club of Seoul

Posted on Dec 13, 2018
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WPRC 2018-2019 President Larry Myers was honored by the Sae HanYang Rotary Club of Seoul, Korea, at their 32nd Anniversary Dinner & Charity Auction on Monday evening, December 10. He was presented with a photo volume entitled Hanok ("The Korean House"), co-authored by Nani Park, the spouse of the club's President Elect, Thomas Park. She also autographed the volume for Rotarian Myers. Included in the volume are photos of the home of Bo-Seon Yun, 2nd President of the Republic of Korea. The home is currently occupied by Mr. Sang-Koo Yun, his son who is a charter member of the club and currently serving as a Trustee (2018-2022) for The Rotary Foundation. The gift was purchased by Sae-Jin Lee, 2018-2019 President of the Sae HanYang Rotary, as a part of the charity auction at the anniversary dinner. He presented the special gift to Rotarian Myers to take back to the USA with him.
WPRC President Honored by Sae HanYang Rotary Club of Seoul 2018-12-13 06:00:00Z 0

Happy Home, India, Update

Posted on Dec 13, 2018
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Students and staff of the Happy Home, Kolar Gold Fields, Karnataka, India, gather for a photo op to display gifts received in this Advent-Christmas season from sponsors in the Compassion International program. Happy Home was the recipient of a TRF Global Grant in the 2015-2017 time frame. Written by Whitnall Park Rotary Club, the international partner, the Global Grant included a water purification system, a solar panel electric power system, and Vocational Training Team staff development by Easter Seals of Southeastern Wisconsin.
Happy Home, India, Update 2018-12-13 06:00:00Z 0

WPRC President Attends District 3650 Conference

Posted on Dec 07, 2018
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On Friday, December 7, WPRC 2018-2019 President Larry Myers had the opportunity to attend the District Conference of District 3650 in Seoul, Korea. District 3650 follows the newer model of a one-day conference, and the gathering was attended by more than 500 Rotarians.
Members of the Sae HanYang Rotary Club of Seoul, together with their Rotaract Club members, gathered for a photo with District 3650 Conference dignitaries. Pictured next to WPRC President Larry Myers (to his right) are Yun Sang-Koo and his wife. Mr. Yun is a past Director of Rotary International (RI) and is currently a Trustee (2018-2022) of The Rotary Foundation (TRF). He also chaired the 2016 RI Convention in Seoul, Korea. To his right is Tom Thorfinnson, the RI President's representative at the District Conference. And, to Mr. Thorfinnson's right is Chang Sae-Ho (David), the current 2018-2019 District Governor.
Mr. Thorfinnson is a past Vice-President and Director of RI and is currently the RI Chief Strategy Officer. He is a member of the Rotary Club of Eden Prairie Noon (District 5950) in Minnesota. He graduated from St. Olaf College in Northfield, MN, and he has a law degree from the Marquette University Law School. As the RI Chief Strategy Officer, he shared critical information regarding the new vision and strategic plan for both RI and TRF. Click on "Read more" to read his prepared written remarks at the District 3650 Conference.
WPRC President Attends District 3650 Conference 2018-12-07 06:00:00Z 0

WPRC Approves BoD Proposed Changes

Posted on Dec 03, 2018
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In response to the WPRC Board of Directors' recommended changes to the weekly meeting time and venue, the entire WPRC membership approved the proposed changes by a vote of 24-2. Currently, the membership of WPRC stands at 27. Thus, 96% of the WPRC membership participated in the decision.

Starting in January 2019, our weekly meeting format will move to the following approach:

  • Breakfast meeting to be held on the first Tuesday and second Tuesday of the month with a start time of 7:00 a.m. and end time of 8:00 a.m.  

  • After Hours social to be held the third Tuesday of the month with a start time of 5:30 p.m.

  • Board of Directors will meet on the fourth Tuesday of the month with a start time of 7:00 a.m.

  • If there is a fifth Tuesday of the month, some sort of hands-on project will occur .

Final details on meeting location(s), any changes in costs, etc., will be released in the next few weeks.

WPRC Approves BoD Proposed Changes 2018-12-03 06:00:00Z 0

Satellite Club Jingles on Janesville

Posted on Dec 02, 2018
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Members of the newly formed WPRC Satellite Club of Muskego participated in the first annual "Jingle on Janesville" on Saturday, November 24. Purpose of the event was to highlight the businesses and service organizations of the city. The new satellite club is an after-hours club that meets on the 2nd & 4th Thursdays of each month at the Muskego Circle, a community center hosted by Lakepoint Church. Location is S63W13694 W. Janesville Road. Contact the club president, Dr. Kelly Thompson (kelly.thompson@muskegonorway.org), to express your interest in this new satellite and to receive information on dates, times, & locations of all activities.
Vincent Rocco "mans" the display table for the
WPRC Satellite Club of Muskego After Hours
at Jingle on Janesvile
Satellite Club Jingles on Janesville 2018-12-02 06:00:00Z 0

Rotary Involvement in District 3650

Posted on Dec 02, 2018
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Larry Myers, WPRC President for 2018-2019, continues his involvement in the clubs of District 3650 during his deployment to the Republic of Korea. On Monday, November 26, they visited the Sae HanYang Rotary Club of Seoul at an art gallery, which is managed by a club member, and enjoyed a Korean feast with club members at a nearby restaurant. They also enjoyed sitting across the dinner table from, and chatting with, a charter member of the club, Mr. Yun Sang-Koo, who is currently serving as a Trustee (2018-2022) for The Rotary Foundation. His father, Yun Bo-Seon, was the President (1960-62) of the Second Republic of Korea, between Rhee Syng-Man and Park Chung-Hee.
Visit with Sae HanYang Rotary Club of Seoul
WPRC President Larry Myers &
Son Christoph in front of private residence
of Yun Sang-Koo, TRF Trustee (2018-2022)
Rotary Involvement in District 3650 2018-12-02 06:00:00Z 0

WPRC November 2018 Students of the Month

Posted on Dec 02, 2018
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"Students of the Month" for November 2018 were Mary Jensik and Charley Riegg, both seniors at Whitnall High School. The Student of the Month program offers area high school seniors the opportunity to learn about Rotary and to share their own aspirations and pursuits. Congratulations, Mary & Charley, for being selected as Student of the Month!
WPRC November 2018 Students of the Month 2018-12-02 06:00:00Z 0

2018 WPRC  Christmas Art & Craft Fair

Posted on Dec 01, 2018
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Whitnall Park Rotary Club hosted its annual Christmas Art & Crafts Fair on December 1, 2018, at Whitnall High School. The event was a huge success with 1,958 guests offering a $3 entrance donation at the doors. More than 160 crafters displayed and sold their items to this huge crowd. WPRC members, their family members, and other recruits did an awesome job of team work and expended great effort to ensure success. Thanks to all, and congratulations, on a job excellently done! WPRC member Kent Bieganski (retired Chief of Police, Hales Corners) has provided some 60 photos from this great event. See the slide show by clicking here.
2018 WPRC Christmas Art & Craft Fair 2018-12-01 06:00:00Z 0

More Korean Rotary Connections

Posted on Nov 24, 2018
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WPRC President Larry Myers continues to engage Rotary in the Republic of Korea. He and his son Christoph, who is visiting him for three weeks, assisted in two service projects during the week of the U.S. National Day of Thanksgiving. On Monday, November 19, they assisted the Rotary Club of Seoul in feeding 400+ homeless in downtown Seoul. On Tuesday, November 20, they assisted the Sae HanYang Rotary Club, Seoul, in unloading 500+ Chinese cabbages and 200+ Korean radishes (in preparation for making kimchi) at the Ganghwado Urimaul in Incheon, a residential training and employment program for the developmentally disabled. On the evening of that same day they participated in the gala 91st Anniversary of the Rotary Club of Seoul. The Rotary Club of Seoul is an English-speaking club founded in 1927 that is the oldest Rotary club in Korea.
More Korean Rotary Connections 2018-11-24 06:00:00Z 0

WPRC President in Korea

Posted on Nov 18, 2018
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2018-2019 WPRC President Larry Myers, who is deployed to South Korea for three months, continues to make connections with Rotary in the Republic of Korea. On November 12 he attended the luncheon and program of the Rotary Club of Sae HanYang, Seoul. Club President Lee Sei-Jin and President Myers effected the traditional flag exchange on behalf of their respective clubs. Rotary is an international fellowship in which ready-made friends are available wherever one travels or works.
WPRC President in Korea 2018-11-18 06:00:00Z 0

Providing Vision to Change Futures

Posted on Nov 10, 2018
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On Tuesday, November 27, representatives of SKYGEN International Foundation, presented a program to WPRC entitled, “Providing Vision to Change Futures” (Tanzania, Africa). Reps included Lisa Sweeney, Executive Director; Emanuel Kitoi, Project Coordinator; & Brett Bennett, Director of Vision.

SKYGEN International Foundation, Inc. brings the power of SKYGEN USA’s innovations in technology and digital capabilities to bear on a global issue, which is an overall lack of access to healthcare. Their vision is to find cost effective ways to improve healthcare in underserved parts of the world by using emerging technologies. The Foundation works to deliver life-changing healthcare benefits to those without them due to cost and/or lack of access to care and technology. Their current initiative is to help provide prescription eyeglasses to the people of Tanzania. Worldwide, it’s estimated that there are approximately 2.5 billion people who need glasses, but in developing countries like Tanzania, there’s a critical shortage of eye doctors. With eyeglasses and the ability to see clearly, the lives of adults and children can be transformed.

Providing Vision to Change Futures 2018-11-10 06:00:00Z 0

WPRC President in Korea

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WPRC President Larry W. Myers is again deployed overseas by his church body, The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. He is serving a pastoral vacancy at the English-speaking International Lutheran Church in Seoul, Korea, during October-December 2018. As usual, he is connecting with Rotarians and Rotary Clubs. On Saturday afternoon, November 3, he participated in the 5th Annual Kimchi Festival in downtown Seoul. There were some 2,000 participants on this day of the three-day festival. Among the participants were 600+ members of Rotary International District 3650, including not just Rotarians but also many Rotaracters and Interacters. See WPRC's Facebook page ("Whitnall Park Rotary Club") for additional photos. President Myers began his professional vocation as a missionary (1972-77) with the Korean-speaking Lutheran Church in Korea. He says that coming back to Korea after 42 years is "somewhat like coming home."
WPRC President in Korea 2018-11-04 05:00:00Z 0

Off-Site Luncheon Meeting on November 13

Posted on Nov 02, 2018
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The Greenfield Fire Department (with WPRC member & Battalion Chief Dan Weber as host) will be the site of an off-site meeting on Tuesday, November 13. Address is 4333 S. 92nd Street in Greenfield.
Off-Site Luncheon Meeting on November 13 2018-11-02 05:00:00Z 0

The Benefits of Volunteering

Posted on Nov 02, 2018
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According to the National Council for Aging Care, volunteering has many benefits which the senior population may not realize. As most are likely to be retired, elderly people simply have more time on their hands than almost every other age demographic. Despite this, they don’t have the highest percentage of the population who volunteer—that belongs to those aged 35 to 54 who are also at the height of their working days.
Benefits of volunteering include social engagement, giving back to the community, physical engagement, and learning something new. All of these can actually extend one's life expectancy. Learn more about the benefits of volunteerism by accessing Aging in Place's "How to Volunteer as a Senior" (click here).
And, while you're at it, pop in at a Whitnall Park Rotary Club luncheon some Tuesday noon at Klemmer's Banquet Center and learn about all the great things that WPRC is doing for both local communities and the world at large through Rotary projects. "Be the Inspiration!"
The Benefits of Volunteering 2018-11-02 05:00:00Z 0

All Hands Boatworks

Posted on Nov 01, 2018
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WPRC guest speaker for November 20 was Bill Nimke of All Hands Boatworks. All Hands Boatworks (AHB) inspires young people, especially those challenged by socio-economic and/or educational hurdles to develop skills, determination, and confidence to discover their talents.  Youth work together to build wooden boats, gain valuable work experiences, and row their boats on our rivers for recreation and education.  At AHB, it’s about building more than a boat. AHB is a member of the Teaching with Small Boats Alliance, a professional network of more than 60 organizations and programs in the United States and Canada. AHB is a certified Building to Teach educational provider. All Hands Boatworks, Inc., was founded in 2013.  AHB is a Wisconsin 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization. Thanks to WPRC Director Tim Dittloff for engaging this guest presentation so that members might hear about this interesting service organization.
All Hands Boatworks 2018-11-01 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Satellite Club of Whitnall Park Muskego After Hours

Posted on Oct 25, 2018
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WPRC’s satellite club in Muskego is off and running. Spearheaded by Dr. Kelly Thompson, Superintendent of the Muskego Norway School District, the satellite club meets periodically at the Muskego Circle, a community center hosted by Lakepoint Church. Location is S63W13694 W. Janesville Road. The minimum number 0f members to establish a satellite club has been met with ten member applications being submitted together with the official satellite club application. Within several weeks the "Rotary Satellite Club of Whitnall Park Muskego After Hours" will be "official." Members of the new club have been invited to join the sponsor club, Whitnall Park Rotary, at the annual Holiday Party on December 4. Contact Dr. Thompson (kelly.thompson@muskegonorway.org) to express your interest and to receive information on dates, times, & locations of meetings.
Rotary Satellite Club of Whitnall Park Muskego After Hours 2018-10-25 05:00:00Z 0

WPRC Students of the Month

Posted on Oct 23, 2018
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Brad Kulinski & Jessica Rohleder are WPRC's "Students of the Month" for October 2018. Both are seniors at Martin Luther H.S. They are attending the weekly meetings, learning about Rotary, and will provide an overview of their school activities and future plans. This Martin Luther H.S.'s first participation in the popular WPRC program, "Student of the Month." Martin Luther is one of five local high schools in the geographic area covered by Whitnall Park Rotary Club. Congratulations, Brad & Jessica!
WPRC Students of the Month 2018-10-23 05:00:00Z 0

China Lights 2018

Posted on Oct 20, 2018
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Whitnall Park Rotary has assisted with China Lights at the Boerner Botanical Gardens since its successful first appearance several years ago. In fact, WPRC's Rotary Pathway & Circle in many ways made China Lights possible at Boerner. This year WPRC sponsored Display #23, a "Colored Fish" theme. Enjoy the photos (and a few others thrown into the mix). And, many thanks to those WPRC members who volunteered their time during the five weeks of the festival to assist as docents (guides).
China Lights 2018 2018-10-20 05:00:00Z 0

Kathy's House Presentation

Posted on Oct 18, 2018
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Cassandra Hathaway, rep from Kathy's House, provided an overview of the mission and vision of Kathy's House on Tuesday, November 6, at the weekly luncheon of Whitnall Park Rotary Club.
Kathy's House is a hospital guest house committed to providing affordable lodging and caring support in a "home away from home" environment for patients and their families who need to travel to Milwaukee for medical care.
Kathy’s House is a caring place where guests can eat, sleep, and be with others when they want – or be alone when they need time, introspection, and quiet healing. The House provides a place where mutual support thrives, one of the great strengths of Kathy’s House
A vital resource in the Milwaukee health care community, Kathy's House is the only hospital guest house in Milwaukee that serves patients of ALL ages and their caregivers and serves ALL the hospitals in Milwaukee. Any patient receiving outpatient treatment at a Milwaukee area hospital, along with their caregiver(s), is/are eligible to become a guest at Kathy’s House. Caregivers of patients in a Milwaukee area hospital are also eligible. The application process for a prospective guest starts with a referral from a Health Care Professional.
Kathy's House Presentation 2018-10-18 05:00:00Z 0

Milwaukee Wheelchair Bucks

Posted on Oct 18, 2018
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Steve Wilson is a Physical Education Teacher at Whitnall Middle School and long-time coach of the Milwaukee Wheelchair Bucks. He was guest speaker at Whitnall Park Rotary Club on October 30 and, together with a player, spoke about the team and wheelchair basketball in general.
Since its creation more than 18 years ago, the Wheelchair Bucks – who feature Wisconsin residents and are sponsored by the NBA team that shares their name – have become a force to be reckoned with. In their first season in the 20-team Championship Division of the National Wheelchair Basketball Association (NWBA), the Bucks went undefeated and won the championship. They've been mostly able to maintain that quality over time as well.
The meeting was held in the Community Board Room in the Whitnall School District offices. A delicious lunch, catered and served by transition students at Whitnall H.S., was greatly enjoyed by all in attendance.
Milwaukee Wheelchair Bucks 2018-10-18 05:00:00Z 0

World Polio Day / "End Polio Now"

Posted on Oct 17, 2018
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Whitnall Park Rotary Club partnered with Culver’s of Hales Corners (corner of Hway 100 & Forest Home Ave) on Wednesday, October 24 (World Polio Day / “End Polio Now”) to raise money for the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI). Culver’s contributed 10% of WPRC pre-tax purchases toward the effort. The total amount raised was $176.20 and will be sent to RI District 6270, which in turn will turn over all money raised in District 6270 to The Rotary Foundation to assist in polio eradication. Way to go, WPRC members and friends!!!

World Polio Day / "End Polio Now" 2018-10-17 05:00:00Z 0

District 6270 Global Grant Scholar

Posted on Oct 17, 2018
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Ciara McHugh, 2018-2020 Global Grant Scholar from Rotary District 6270, has begun her PhD. program at Queens University in Belfast, Northern Ireland. She describes her program in her own words:  "Over the next few years, through the support of LINCS (Leverhulme Interdisiplinary Network for Cyber Security) and the Rotary Foundation's Global Grant Scholarship, I'll be exploring how police and communities interact around the world. I'm interested in looking at tensions between minority groups and police forces, and how we might rethink relationships between the two." Follow Ciara's progress and adventures via her blog:  https://ciarajmchugh.weebly.com
District 6270 Global Grant Scholar 2018-10-17 05:00:00Z 0

WPRC Members' Classification Talks

Posted on Oct 13, 2018
WPRC member Dan Weber will provide a Classification Talk at the weekly luncheon meeting on Tuesday, December 18. A "Classification Talk" is unique to Rotary in that it intends to provide information about a member's particular vocation and not primarily about her/his life story. Dan Weber is a Battalion Chief with the Greenfield Fire Department. Join us for lunch as our guest on Tuesday, December 18, our last noon meeting at Klemmer's Banquet Center, and learn about the vocation of this WPRC member. In addition, District 6270 PDG Jeff Reed will recognize several achievements of Whitnall Park Rotary Club. Don't miss it! This is also our last meeting of the calendar year.
WPRC Members' Classification Talks 2018-10-13 05:00:00Z 0

Club Assembly on October 9

Posted on Oct 04, 2018
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Whitnall Park Rotary Club engaged in its quarterly "Club Assembly" on Tuesday, October 9. "What's a Club Assembly?" is a frequently asked question. A "Club Assembly" provides an update to the local Rotary general membership. WPRC Officers and Directors provided a quick overview of what has happened and is happening in their area(s) of responsibility. Of particular interest was President Elect Rob Petri's overview of the results of a recent SurveyMonkey questionnaire addressed to WPRC members. The written results are available here (accessible only via sign-in). Also present were our Students of the Month, Jessica Rohleder & Brad Kulinski, from Martin Luther H.S. This month is Martin Luther High School's first participation in WPRC's "Student of the Month" program.
Club Assembly on October 9 2018-10-04 05:00:00Z 0

Water and Sanitation - What Rotary IS Doing and CAN Do

Posted on Sep 19, 2018
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Global and District grants for Rotary District 6270 have been very successful in the past because they have involved local Rotary Club members. Our District is embarking on some larger Global Grants for water and sanitation projects around the world. Clubs in District 6270 are joining together to leverage and maximize our efforts. Past District Governor Rick Debe brought WPRC members up to date on Tuesday, October 16, regarding current projects and present the new partnership opportunities available. 
Specifically, he provided information about a new $100,000 TRF Global Grant initiative, the Chupoj Water Sanitation Project of Guatemala. The Milwaukee Rotary Club is the International Partner of this largest-every Global Grant in District 6270. The Vista Hermosa Club of Guatemala is the Host Partner, and Engineers without Borders USA is the Cooperating Organization. Needed are six local Rotary clubs in District 6270 to join this Global Grant initiative in providing $4,500-$5,000 each toward the effort.
The Whitnall Park Rotary Club, together with the WPRC Foundation, will give serious consideration to participating in this Global Grant. Participation in a water project is part of WPRC's strategic plan.
Water and Sanitation - What Rotary IS Doing and CAN Do 2018-09-19 05:00:00Z 0

What's Happening in Greenfield?

Posted on Sep 19, 2018
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WPRC enjoyed hearing "the latest" news in Greenfield from Mayor Michael Neitzke, guest speaker at Whitnall Park Rotary Club on Tuesday, October 2. Mayor Neitzke is an honorary member of WPRC and provided an update on the city in addition to addressing the topic of zip codes. The "zip codes" issue is quite interesting and historic in nature. Because the Greenfield zip codes were originally assigned to the City of Milwaukee, the City of Greenfield does not show up in many data bases, making digital searches extremely difficult. Thanks, Mayor Neitzke, for a most informative update!
What's Happening in Greenfield? 2018-09-19 05:00:00Z 0

Students of the Month September 2018

Posted on Sep 18, 2018
The WPRC "Student of the Month" program has begun for academic year 2018-2019. Present in September were Whitnall H.S. seniors Abbey Kenaston and Josiah Mispion. After visiting the club for 3-4 weeks and learning about Rotary, each student is given time to explain her/his academic and extracurricular endeavors, including plans for the future.
Congratulations, Abbey and Josiah!
Students of the Month September 2018 2018-09-18 05:00:00Z 0

Congo Helping Hands

Posted on Sep 16, 2018
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Guest speaker at Whitnall Park Rotary Club on September 25 was Jeff Mullins, a Roman Catholic missionary with Congo Helping Hands. Congo Helping Hands is a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) that works in the Democratic Republic of Congo in central Africa. It is a non-profit Christian organization that works in partnership to improve the quality of life through human development in health, education, agriculture, and microeconomics. Jeff has been working with this organization for the last 12 years. He is from West Allis and attends Mary Queen of Heaven RC parish. Jeff’s primary mission is the Mpandeli Centers in the Kasai, a group of schools for the physically and mentally handicapped. Recently they have been providing emergency food for the war-torn areas of the Kasai. Jeff just recently returned after providing food for over 5,000 people. His briefing was very informative and corrected many misperceptions about the Congo.
Congo Helping Hands 2018-09-16 05:00:00Z 0

One Rotary Summit

Posted on Sep 14, 2018
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You may be asking yourself – What is One Rotary Summit?

It is training, coordinated by our Rotary Zone 28-29 team, and facilitated by our own District 6270.  It is focused on the relationships among Public Image, The Rotary Foundation / Humanitarian Service, and Membership.  The objective is to solidify Rotary’s 2018-19 annual theme of Be the Inspiration and the new Rotary Public Image Campaign: People of Action.  About ½ of the time will be devoted to idea sharing and action development in small groups. Our goal is that people get to know other Rotarians from our District and share ideas that they can take back to their clubs to do the work of Rotary in an even better way to implement the theme and campaign.

(Some of you who have been Rotarians for many years may remember the Rotary Fall Seminars.  District 6270 has replaced Fall Seminar with One Rotary Summit.)

One Rotary Summit
Saturday, October 6
8:30 a.m. — 12:00 p.m.

DoubleTree by Hilton
18155 W. Bluemound Rd.
Brookfield, WI 53045

Speak with PP Roger Clark or Director Gilbert Frenn, who attended a One Rotary Summit this summer, to learn more about this great opportunity to network and learn.

One Rotary Summit 2018-09-14 05:00:00Z 0

Annual Visit of District Governor

Posted on Sep 11, 2018
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Kola Alayande, Rotary District Governor for 2018-2019, visited Whitnall Park Rotary on Tuesday, September 18. He met with the Board of Directors at 11:15 a.m. and provided an inspiring briefing on Rotary District 6270 following our weekly luncheon at noon. He encouraged the club to find and emphasize the value of membership in recruiting new members and not be afraid to change. Present also for his presentation were ADG Jeannette Bell and PDG Nancy Rhodes.  "Be the Inspiration!"
Annual Visit of District Governor 2018-09-11 05:00:00Z 0

Special Program on 9/11

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9/11 - 17th Anniversary: To commemorate the anniversary, Paul Johnson, Heritage Funeral Homes, was guest speaker on Tuesday, September 11, 2018, and addressed the honoring and celebrating of first responders, fallen heroes, and veterans through proper funeral and/or memorial service preparations. Don't miss this opportunity to "never forget."
Special Program on 9/11 2018-09-04 05:00:00Z 0

Luncheon Program Speaker on August 28

Posted on Aug 22, 2018
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Bashir Easter will be the guest speaker at Whitnall Park Rotary Club on Tuesday, August 28. Mr. Easter is a native of Milwaukee, WI, with over 20 years of solid public and private sector work experience and training in the areas of diversity, public and nonprofit management, business management, supervision, leadership, organizational behavior and public speaking. As the current Dementia Care Specialist for Milwaukee County, he hit the ground running by working with staff and community partners to make a significant impact in helping to create a dementia-capable system and dementia-friendly community. Mr. Easter has begun the work to establish Milwaukee as a county that supports individuals with dementia and their caregivers. As mandated by the State of Wisconsin Dementia Redesign Plan, there are three main goals that guide Bashir’s work: 1) Create a dementia-capable Aging Resource Center; 2) Promote the development of dementia-friendly communities; and 3) Provide opportunities for people with dementia to remain in the least restrictive environments where they can thrive as contributing members of society for as long as possible. Bashir Easter has a Master of Business Administration from Concordia University-Wisconsin and a Bachelor of Science degree in Human Services Management from Cardinal Stritch University. He is currently working on a Ph.D. program in Multidisciplinary Human Services and Public Administration at Capella University.
Luncheon Program Speaker on August 28 2018-08-22 05:00:00Z 0

2018 One Rotary Summit

Posted on Aug 20, 2018
On Thursday evening, August 9, WPRC members Roger Clark (Past President) and Gil Frenn (Director for Club Service) participated in a One Rotary Summit event. This event, the first of four scheduled for Rotary Year 2018-2019 in District 6270, occurred at MATC in Oak Creek. Among the purposes of One Rotary Summit are the exchange of ideas among local Rotary clubs and getting to know other club members and their clubs. Gil Frenn is pictured on the far left in the back row; Roger Clark is third from the left in the back row.
2018 One Rotary Summit 2018-08-20 05:00:00Z 0

Author John Scott at WPRC on August 21

Posted on Aug 16, 2018
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Author John Scott will be the guest speaker at the WPRC weekly luncheon on Tuesday, August 21. His far-reaching study gives a concise and coherent overview of the debates surrounding the analysis of social power. The concept of power is outlined, and its main dimensions are explored through consideration of various facets - command, pressure, constraint, discipline, protest, and interpersonal power. Join us for lunch at Klemmer's Banquet Center, 10401 W Oklahoma Ave, at noon.
Author John Scott at WPRC on August 21 2018-08-16 05:00:00Z 0

Hunger Task Force Stockbox Build

Hunger Task Force Stockbox Build: On Saturday morning, August 11, members and family guests of Whitnall Park Rotary Club again assisted Hunger Task Force. Hunger Task Force builds Stockboxes for local seniors in need. A Stockbox is a box of healthy foods that Hunger Task Force delivers to low-income seniors free of charge. Each box contains 16 nutritious items including milk, cereal, juice, beef stew, pasta, and vegetables. Each month nearly 9,000 boxes are delivered to seniors in Southeastern Wisconsin. On this particular Saturday morning the 25-person crew built 600 Stockboxes (15 pallets) in a period of three hours. WPRC participants were: Jack Bennett, Roger Clark, Larry Feinstein, Larry Myers (and son Christoph), Rob Petri (and daughters Ayla & Miya), Scott Schenke, Michelle Tate, Jim Thorsen (and spouse Sue), and Judy & Tom Weiss (and daughter Ellen). These individuals provided a total of 45 service hours. Stockbox building takes place at Hunger Task Force’s south warehouse at the former 440th Air Reserve Base.
Hunger Task Force Stockbox Build 2018-08-11 05:00:00Z 0

Greendale Village Manager at WPRC on August 14

Posted on Aug 10, 2018
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On Tuesday, August 14, the guest speaker at the Whitnall Park Rotary Club weekly luncheon will be Todd K. Michaels, Village Manager of Greendale, WI. The mission of the Village Manager's office is to exercise leadership in planning, coordinating, staffing, developing, and controlling the activities of all municipal functions to accomplish Village goals and policies as determined by the Village President and Board of Trustees. Mr. Michael's topic will be "What's Happening in Greendale." Join the club for lunch and this community update at noon on Tuesday, August 14. Whitnall Park Rotary meets at Klemmer Banquet Center on W. Oklahoma Ave.
Greendale Village Manager at WPRC on August 14 2018-08-10 05:00:00Z 0

Katy's Kloset at WPRC on August 7

Posted on Jul 30, 2018
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Mary Ellen Malloy will be guest speaker at the Aug 7th lunch meeting.  Mary Ellen is a long-time volunteer at Katy’s Kloset and a member of the Board of Directors for Team Up.
Team Up With Families was formed in 1996 with the intent to sponsor a day camp, hold some family activities for kids with disabilities, and to create a year-round medical equipment lending library, named Katy’s Kloset.  All Team Up and Katy’s Kloset activities are carried out 100% by volunteers.
Katy’s Kloset began with moms who took their children at New Berlin Therapies, receiving speech, physical, and occupational therapy services.  These moms often exchanged equipment with others as their kids outgrew a piece of equipment.  When this group decided to form a non-profit, Katy’s Kloset became a reality. It became a place to donate equipment that is outgrown or no longer needed and to loan out to those who can benefit from having that equipment.  In the early years it was very small, and the founding group never imagined what it has become today.  In the beginning, it was only children’s equipment, but over the years Katy’s began accepting donations of adult equipment and loaning those items out as well. Currently, Katy’s Kloset loans out about 900 pieces of equipment each month to individuals in the community at no charge.  In addition, many supply items are donated and given to individuals who request them, such as incontinence supplies (Depends), wound care, gauze, ostomy supplies, respiratory items, etc.  About 25 volunteers help clients on open days, and several volunteers are at Katy’s Kloset nearly every day to process donated equipment and supplies to make them available to clients to borrow.  Katy’s Kloset currently rents three adjacent warehouse spaces to manage these large quantities of donated equipment and supplies.  As an all-volunteer organization, the main expenses are rent and utilities for the warehouse.
Katy's Kloset at WPRC on August 7 2018-07-30 05:00:00Z 0

Rock the Block

Posted on Jul 15, 2018
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On Saturday, July 14, five members of Whitnall Park Rotary Club and four additional family member/guests, participated in "Rock the Block," an event organized by Milwaukee Habitat for Humanity and financed by Thrivent Financial. The WPRC participants did landscaping and porch repairs for three houses, providing more than 40 hours of community service. WPRC members were Jack Bennett, Roger Clark, Larry Myers, Lisa Olson, & Rob Petri. This is the way to "Be the Inspiration!
Rock the Block 2018-07-15 05:00:00Z 0

Greenfield Independence Day Parade

Leena Meyers, WPRC scholarship winner at Whitnall H.S., was the focus of the parade unit sponsored by Whitnall Park Rotary on July 4. Leena will attend Lawrence University in the fall. In addition to driver Jim Helminski, six other members of the club (Jack Bennett, Roger Clark, Larry Myers, Robert Petri, and Judy & Tom Weiss) also walked with the unit in the parade, distributing Tootsie Rolls and flyers advertising the July 15th Hops & Vines Festival at the Three Cellars in Oak Creek, an event that will also help fund WPRC's college scholarships.
Greenfield Independence Day Parade 2018-07-07 05:00:00Z 0

Mitchell Park Maintenance

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On Saturday, June 9, some 20 Rotarians and friends from five local clubs (Amigos de Milwaukee, Mitchell Field, New Berlin, West Allis, & Whitnall Park) assisted in the clean-up & maintenance of Mitchell Park behind the Domes in Milwaukee. Trash and debris were removed from throughout the park, and mulch was placed around all sides of the band stand. More than 75 service hours were expended on behalf of the community, which can now enjoy the beautiful premises during the Independence Day events on July 4 and throughout the year. WPRC participants were Roger Clark (who also cooked a picnic lunch), Larry Myers (& son Christoph), Scott Schenke, and Scott Weyda. Thrivent Financial provided the funds for the picnic lunch. Thanks to all! Happy Birthday, USA!
Mitchell Park Maintenance 2018-06-30 05:00:00Z 0

2018 Scholarship Recipients

Posted on Jun 06, 2018
On Tuesday evening, June 5, members of Whitnall Park Rotary Club gathered at Carl's Catering for a festive meal and to recognize the recipients of its 2018 scholarships' programs.
Present and receiving a $2,000 WPRC Scholarship for use in higher education studies were the following:  Kelly Hanlon, Greendale H.S.; Cole Cerny, Greenfield H.S.; Alyssa Eggert, Martin Luther H.S.; and Alexandra Bussalacchi, Muskego H.S. Parents of each recipient were also present. Not present was Leena Meyers, Whitnall H.S., who was at Carnegie Hall in New York, chosen to display some of her artwork there. Each student will also receive an additional $500 in their second year of studies if they are still pursuing a higher education degree.
Two George P. Kaiser Scholarships were also presented. Mr. Kaiser, a long-time Whitnall Park Rotary Club member and long-time resident of Hales Corners, died in 2017. The Kaiser family established a scholarship program in his memory, distributed through the WPRC Foundation. Receiving the one-time scholarships of $2,000 and $1,500, respectively, were Alissa Herrmann, Whitnall H.S., and Kaitlyn Plautz, Whitnall H.S.
Congratulations to students and parents alike!
WPRC President Roger Clark
with the 2018 WPRC scholarship winners:
Cole Cerny, Alyssa Eggert, Kelly Hanlon, & Alexandra Busalacchi
WPRC President Roger Clark
with the George P. Kaiser scholarship winners:
Kaitlyn Plautz (l.) & Alissa Herrmann (r.)
Kelly Hanlon, Greendale H.S., & Parents
Cole Cerny, Greenfield H.S., & Parents
Alyssa Eggert, Martin Luther H.S., & Parents
Alexandra Busalacchi, Muskego H.S., & Mother
George P. Kaiser Scholarship Winners:
Kaitlyn Plautz, Whitnall H.S., & Father
Alissa Herrmann, Whitnall H.S., & Parents
George P. Kaiser Scholarship Winners Plautz & Herrmann
with members of the Kaiser Family
2018 Scholarship Recipients 2018-06-06 05:00:00Z 0

Stamp Out Hunger 2018

Posted on May 13, 2018
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On Saturday, May 12, WPRC President Roger Clark and WPRC President-Elect Larry Myers represented the club in Hunger Task Force's 2018 "Stamp Out Hunger" effort. Together they provided 12 hours of volunteer service to the community. There were 18 volunteers and one Hunger Task Force staff person who unloaded, semi-sorted, and repacked the food donations into transport containers at the Franklin USPS location. U.S. Postal Service carriers annually contribute to this effort by picking up food from customers on their delivery routes. All food collected through Stamp Out Hunger is provided absolutely free of charge to families in need.
Stamp Out Hunger 2018 2018-05-13 05:00:00Z 0

Visit to Fisher House Wisconsin

Posted on May 02, 2018
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On April 24, 2018, more than 20 members of Whitnall Park Rotary Club enjoyed an off-site meeting and briefing at the Fisher House Wisconsin. The Milwaukee VA Fisher House is conveniently located on the Milwaukee VA Medical Center grounds and offers 16 bedroom suites of varying layouts to accommodate single travelers or larger families at no cost to them. Designed with the interactions of guests in mind, guests experience the feeling of being home with a shared common kitchen, laundry room, dining room, living room, family room and a large patio and yard. Families share meals together and support each other through their joys and sorrows.
Jennifer Kiefer, Fisher House Wisconsin Manager, provided an excellent briefing and tour of the facility. Fisher House Wisconsin will be the recipient of proceeds from the WPRC Hops & Vines Festival on July 15 at Three Cellars in Oak Creek. Stay tuned for more information on that event. [And, please continue reading this story to view photos from the off-site meeting.]
Visit to Fisher House Wisconsin 2018-05-02 05:00:00Z 0

Earth Day 2018 in Muskego WI

Posted on May 02, 2018
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2017-18 Rotary International President Ian H.S. Riseley challenged all 1.2 million Rotarians to plant a tree before Earth Day 2018. Whitnall Park Rotary Club has been involved in numerous tree planting projects throughout this Rotary year. The most recent was a tree planting project in Muskego, WI, in which several WPRC member participated. Thanks for making the earth a better place to live!
Earth Day 2018 in Muskego WI 2018-05-02 05:00:00Z 0

WPRC Assists Hunger Task Force

Posted on Apr 22, 2018
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Six WPRC members and their nine guests provided 45 volunteer hours of service in a Hunger Task Force packing project on Saturday, April 21. WPRC members included Lisa Olson, Rob Petri, Scott Schenke, Michelle Tate, and Judy & Tom Weiss. These members are active in demonstrating "Service Above Self."
WPRC Assists Hunger Task Force 2018-04-22 05:00:00Z 0

Students of the Month April-May 2018

Posted on Apr 19, 2018
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WPRC Students of the Month for April-May 2018 are Alissa Herrmann (left) and Sarah Aaron (right). Both are seniors at Whitnall High School. By attending the WPRC weekly luncheon meetings on Tuesdays, they are learning about service in worldwide Rotary (1.2 million members in more than 200 countries). Congratulations to these aspiring students!
Students of the Month April-May 2018 2018-04-19 05:00:00Z 0

WPRC Member in Ukraine

Posted on Apr 13, 2018
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WPRC President-Elect Larry Myers is again teaching at the Lutheran seminary in Odessa, Ukraine, during the period of April 9-27. On Thursday evening, April 12, he again enjoyed an evening with the Rotary Club of Odessa - a small but energetic club full of compassion and service for the underprivileged. Flag exchange is a tradition among Rotary clubs worldwide. Three members of the Odessa club are officers in the Emergency Management office of Ukraine and were recently in Colorado for firefighter training. They visited with, and brought back a flag from, the Rotary Club of Parker, CO. P-E Myers likewise exchanged the flag of Whitnall Park Rotary Club.
WPRC Member in Ukraine 2018-04-13 05:00:00Z 0

2018 Spring Art & Craft Fair

Posted on Mar 20, 2018
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On March 17 (St. Patrick's Day), 2018, scores of guests enjoyed another Spring Art & Craft fair at Whitnall H.S., sponsored by Whitnall Park Rotary. Door attendance count was 1,056.
Kent Bieganski, retired Hales Corners Police Chief and WPRC member, put his camera to work again and has provided some 90 photos of the event. Do enjoy by clicking on the image below to access the slide show.
WPRC President Roger Clark gives a smiling hug to two of the many volunteers who assisted at the Spring Art & Craft Fair.
2018 Spring Art & Craft Fair 2018-03-20 05:00:00Z 0

Michelle Tate Newest WPRC Member

Posted on Mar 20, 2018
Michelle Tate is the newest member of Whitnall Park Rotary Club. Together with her husband, she is the owner of Brew City Ballroom on Highway 100 in SW Milwaukee. Dan Christianson (l), former District 6270 Governor and WPRC member, inducted her into club membership on March 20 as her membership sponsor Scott Schenke (r) observed the ceremony. Welcome, Michelle!
Michelle Tate Newest WPRC Member 2018-03-20 05:00:00Z 0

WPRC Welcomes March "Students of the Month"

Posted on Mar 13, 2018
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Whitnall Park Rotary Club welcomes its March 2018 "Students of the Month," Reid Miller & Ryan Thiele. Both are seniors at Whitnall High School and will attend club luncheons throughout March, learning about "Service Above Self" in worldwide Rotary.
WPRC Welcomes March "Students of the Month" 2018-03-13 05:00:00Z 0

WRPC Receives Awards

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On February 20 Julie Craig, Rotary District 6270 Governor during 2016-2017, presented Whitnall Park Rotary Club with three awards for Rotary Year 2016-2017. The first recognized WPRC for 100% member participation in Rotary International Fund contributions. The second and third awards recognized WPRC for exceeding its goal contributions for both the Annual Fund and Polio Plus. 2016-2017 WPRC President Scott Weyda received the awards on behalf of the club.
WRPC Receives Awards 2018-02-25 06:00:00Z 0

Student of the Month

Posted on Feb 13, 2018
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Honored as "Student of the Month" during February 2018 are Whitnall H.S. seniors Mackenzie Sutton and Julian Dentice-Cagle. The students attend the WPRC luncheon each week to learn about Rotary and are also given the opportunity to brief the club about their high school activities and future plans/goals. Congratulations!
Student of the Month 2018-02-13 06:00:00Z 0

HCFD Benefits from WPRC

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On Tuesday, December 19, 2017, Captain Zachary Menden of the Hales Corners Fire Department received a check from Whitnall Park Rotary Club in the amount of $513. This was 50% of the monies raised in a gift auction at the WPRC Christmas Party on the previous Tuesday. WPRC President Roger Clark is pictured presenting the check to Capt Menden, who reported that the monies will be used to help support needy families who have recently sustained a catastrophe in their life.
HCFD Benefits from WPRC 2017-12-21 06:00:00Z 0

Christmas Party 2017

Posted on Dec 13, 2017
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On Tuesday evening, December 12, 2017, some 37 club members, family members, and friends gathered at the Country Squire in Muskego, WI, for the Annual WPRC Christmas Party. Part of this fun-filled annual event includes an auction for charity purposes. Each family unit brings a wrapped gift of at least $25 in value, which in turn is auctioned off to the highest bidder. This year's auction netted approximately $800, to be divided evenly between the Hales Corners Fire Department (to assist needy families) and "Muskego Feed" (a foods-packing project that assists hungry families). Santa Claus made an appearance to assist Jim Thorsen (pictured) and Jim Helminski in the fierce bidding competition.
Christmas Party 2017 2017-12-13 06:00:00Z 0
November 2017 "Students of the Month" 2017-12-11 06:00:00Z 0

WPRC Visits Ronald McDonald House

On Tuesday, October 24, 2017, the weekly meeting of Whitnall Park Rotary was held at the Ronald McDonald House in Milwaukee. Club members in attendance were treated to a tour of the 70-room facility in addition to receiving a briefing on the facility. WPRC provided a donation of $250 to the charity.
Since they opened its doors in 1984, the Ronald McDonald House in Milwaukee has been keeping families close by providing more than 40,000 family stays. These families come from 569 Wisconsin communities, all 50 states, and many countries around the world whose children are receiving medical care at Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin or other area hospitals. In 2016 the charity provided nearly 2,000 family stays. It offers a place to call home at little or no cost so that families can stay together. Many families try to contribute what they can—even if it’s the suggested $20 a night donation. In reality, the cost is almost $90 per night. No one is ever turned away for their inability to pay.
WPRC Visits Ronald McDonald House 2017-10-24 05:00:00Z 0

WPRC Donates $250 for BSA Eagle Project

Whitnall Park Rotary Club has donated $250 to assist Colin Bennett in funding his project in partial fulfillment of BSA Eagle Scout requirements. Pictured to the left of Colin is Roger Clark, WPRC President, and to his right is Scott Schenke, also a WPRC member and long-time BSA supporter. Colin's project is the building of  sturdy cedar picnic tables for Schoetz Park in Hales Corners.
WPRC Donates $250 for BSA Eagle Project 2017-10-23 05:00:00Z 0

Stock Box Builders

On October 7 members of Whitnall Park Rotary Club, family members, and friends built 480 stock boxes at the Milwaukee Hunger Task Force for use by senior citizens and others. WPRC participants included:  (l. to r.) Jerry & Lisa Johnson, Scott & Kathleen Weyda, Dan & Ruth Christianson, Jack Bennett, Rob Petri, and the Petri daughters with family friends.
Stock Box Builders 2017-10-11 05:00:00Z 0

District Governor Visits WPRC

Jeff Reed, the District 6270 District Governor for 2017-2018, visited Whitnall Park Rotary on Tuesday, August 22. He provided an excellent briefing of the theme and goals of Rotary International for this Rotary Year and activities in District 6270. He also met with the WPRC Board of Directors prior to the regular luncheon meeting. Thanks, DG Reed, for visiting us, informing us, and encouraging us!
DG Jeff Reed (r) is pictured next to WPRC President Roger Clark.
District Governor Visits WPRC 2017-08-25 05:00:00Z 0

WPRC Supports Eagle Scout Project

On Tuesday, August 15, Life Scout Julian Destin-Cagle provided a briefing to Whitnall Park Rotary concerning his Eagle Scout Project. Entitled "Buddy Benches for Whitnall Elementary Schools," the project intends to provide a safe place for students to gather and support one another. Constructed by Belson Outdoors, the "Buddy Bench" is a simple way to eliminate loneliness and foster friendship on the playground. Julian hopes to place at least one bench on the playground of each elementary school in the Whitnall School District. The project has a price tag of $3,000. Whitnall Park Rotary contributed $250 toward the efforts of this aspiring Eagle Scout.
WPRC Supports Eagle Scout Project 2017-08-21 05:00:00Z 0

2017 WPRC Scholarship Recipients

On the evening of June 6, the recipients of the 2017 Whitnall Park Rotary Club scholarship program were recognized in a dinner at Klemmer's Banquet Center. Parents of the winners and representatives from the respective schools were also in attendance. View the embedded slide show to learn about these outstanding high school graduates and their future plans.
2017 WPRC Scholarship Recipients 2017-06-24 05:00:00Z 0

88Nine Visits WPRC

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Sarah Fierek, a member of the station management of 88Nine Radio in Milwaukee, briefed Whitnall Park Rotary Club on May 30 about the mission and community activities of 88Nine.
88Nine describes itself in this way:  "We love Milwaukee. Our city isn’t perfect. What city is? But we believe in Milwaukee – as it is today, and in its potential to become even better. And that’s why Radio Milwaukee exists. To be a catalyst for creating a better, more inclusive and engaged Milwaukee. We champion Milwaukee – our music, arts and culture, neighborhoods and community organizations. We celebrate diversity and encourage community engagement. We aspire to be a force that breaks down barriers and brings people together. We pursue our mission on the air, online and in the community."
The following YouTube videos provide a glimpse of the variety of community services that are provided by 88Nine, which is definitely more than just a radio station.
88Nine Visits WPRC 2017-06-06 05:00:00Z 0

WPRC Assists at Wheelchair Basketball Event

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Members of Whitnall Park Rotary worked the concessions stand at a Wheelchair Basketball event on February 10-12 at Whitnall High School. The WPRC efforts and $500 contribution produced a matching $500 grant from the Modern Woodmen of America organization. The charities went to the Wheelchair Bucks Basketball team. Gil Frenn, WPRC Community Services Director, and Roger Clark, WPRC President-Elect, presented the check to the Wheelchair Bucks. The three-day event featured some of the premier wheelchair basketball teams and players in the U.S.A.
WPRC Assists at Wheelchair Basketball Event Larry Myers 2017-04-26 05:00:00Z 0

Stock Boxes Filled at Hunger Task Force

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Rotarians and family members gathered on a sunny April 21st afternoon to prepare food boxes for senior citizens and others.
WPRC participants included:  Rob Petri (+ daughters and friends), Julie Petri, Dan & Ruth Christianson, Bob & Kay Nolan, Jack Bennett, Scott Schenke, Roger Clark, Tom Weiss, Scott Weyda, Erica Weiss, Paul Sackmann, and Judy Weiss.
Stock Boxes Filled at Hunger Task Force 2017-04-25 05:00:00Z 0

2017 Spring Craft Fair Photos

Posted on Apr 06, 2017
Whitnall Park Rotary Club experienced another successful craft fair on Saturday, April 1.  Some 977 attendees enjoyed the items of nearly 125 crafters.
Thanks to retired Hales Corners Police Chief Kent Bieganski for his many photos of the event.
Click on the image below to enjoy a slide show of the nearly 100 images captured by Chief Bieganski.
2017 Spring Craft Fair Photos Larry Myers 2017-04-06 05:00:00Z 0

WPRC Rotarian Visits Ukraine

Posted on Mar 11, 2017
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Rotarian Larry Myers, together with his son Christoph, were in Odessa, Ukraine, for three weeks in January-February 2017. On the evening of January 26 they visited the Rotary Club of Odessa. The Odessa Rotarians provided gracious hospitality, a warm welcome, and their club flag to Rotarian Myers. The visit again demonstrates the worldwide membership of Rotary and the friendships that are possible when we make the effort.
WPRC Rotarian Visits Ukraine 2017-03-11 06:00:00Z 0

WPRC & Habitat for Humanity

Posted on Sep 13, 2016
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On Saturday, September 10, seven members of Whitnall Park Rotary Club assisted Habitat for Humanity at a home project in the 3200 block of Milwaukee. Renovation of the home is being sponsored by Thrivent Financial. Rob Petri, WPRC member and Thrivent Financial Advisor, organized and coordinated the day of work, which consisted of cleaning, taping, and priming. Way to go, WPRC, in demonstrating "service before self"!
Front Row:  Rob Petri & Roger Clark
Back Row:  Dan Weber, Scott Schenke,
Jack Bennett, Scott Weyda, & Larry Myers
WPRC & Habitat for Humanity Larry Myers 2016-09-13 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Global Grant "Project Happy Home"

Posted on Jul 29, 2015
Whitnall Park Rotary's Global Grant #1528826 is nearing completion. The water purification plant was successfully installed in June 2016. The Vocational Training Team visited Wisconsin in October 2016 and was trained by Easter Seals of Southeast Wisconsin. Back in India, the VTT provided a one-day seminar for parents of developmentally disabled children in November 2016. And, finally, the solar-powered electricity project was begun in early March 2017, with an anticipated completion date by the end of the month.
Rotary Global Grant "Project Happy Home" 2015-07-29 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Knowledge

Answer will be by each individual Rotarian and you will be on your honor. Please no sharing of the answer with other Rotarians.
Our goal is to have every Rotarian answer the question correctly by reading the Rotarian. Please don’t let us down!!!.
Rotary Knowledge Kent Bieganski 2015-06-11 05:00:00Z 0

An Evening of Wine Tasting

Posted by Larry Myers on Dec 08, 2014
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Whitnall Park Rotary Club and guests are invited to "An Evening of Wine Tasting" at the Polish Center of Wisconsin, 6941 So. 68th St., in Franklin, WI, on Friday evening, January 29, 2016, 6:00-9:00 p.m.  Proceeds will benefit the WPRC's community projects.  Participants can sample wine selections by Consumer Beverage, light snacks, and desserts. Tickets are $30 per person in advance or $35 at the door. Register and purchase tickets online by clicking here. 



An Evening of Wine Tasting Larry Myers 2014-12-08 06:00:00Z 0

"First Tuesday" Food Collection

Posted on Mar 31, 2012
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The first meeting of every month is "First Tuesday" at Whitnall Park Rotary. Our members bring non-perishable food items to help stock area food pantries. The public can help by bringing their donations to our meeting at Klemmer’s Banquet Center at noon on "First Tuesday."

"First Tuesday" Food Collection Gilbert Frenn 2012-03-31 05:00:00Z 0
Welcome to Our Website! Larry Myers 2011-01-23 06:00:00Z 0
Social Media Network Links Larry Myers 2011-01-11 06:00:00Z 0

Security and Integrity of Your Data

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   ClubRunner secures all your private information by using the latest security technologies. Hosted in a world class data centre with redundant power, Internet backbones and 24/7 security and monitoring, club data is safe and protected. Our members' contact information is secured behind unique logins and passwords. Access to information is also restricted. For example, a member can only view the list of members, but can modify his or her own personal information.

   Data on the server is protected by TCP/IP filtering, firewall and anti-virus software that protect against any unauthorized intrusion. Backups of data are made daily and stored off-site.
Security and Integrity of Your Data Larry Myers 2011-01-11 06:00:00Z 0
Quote of the Week - Who Said It? Larry Myers 2010-11-22 00:00:00Z 0
Thought for the Week - Who Said It? Larry Myers 2010-11-22 00:00:00Z 0

Boerner Botanical Gardens Rotary Circle Project

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The Rotary Walk/Circle Community Project at Boerner Botanical Gardens experienced groundbreaking on December 17, 2014, and was dedicated on July 28, 2015!

Our new project will impact thousands who may not otherwise be able to enjoy this beautiful and historic site due to walking difficulties.

The project consists of an ADA-accessible path leading from Boerner's Herb Garden to the Bog Walk.

Visit the photo albums (see window pane to the left) on this site to follow the progress of the construction.

Also, visit the WPRC Web page (Boerner Rotary Circle Project) on this site that is dedicated to this project.

And, don't forget to donate (for ongoing maintenance of the walk/circle)!

Boerner Botanical Gardens Rotary Circle Project Larry Myers 0